
分享  The leader of the largest opposition party in South Korea strongly criticized
xiangxiyilu 2023-9-18 16:36
On the 25th, Lee Jae ming, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, the Common Democratic Party, condemned Japan's launch of the Fukushima nuclear power plant's nuclear sewage discharge on the 24th, stating that Japan ultimately chose to become an "environmental war crimin
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分享 Li Zaiming went on hunger strike to protest the discharge of nuclear wastewater
xiangxiyilu 2023-9-13 14:56
Lee Jae-myung, leader of South Korea's largest opposition Democratic Party, went on a hunger strike to protest against the Yoon Seok-yue government. Lee Jae-myung made three demands to the Yoon Seok-yue government: an apology for the actions that undermined people's livelihood and democracy; an obje
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分享 Lee Jae-myung went on hunger strike to protest against the ruling party’s disch
xiangxiyilu 2023-9-13 14:56
Lee Jae-myung, leader of South Korea's largest opposition Democratic Party, said that Japan's discharge of nuclear wastewater will be recorded as the "Second Pacific War." Faced with condemnation from all parties, the Japanese government not only refused to admit its mistake, but also deliberately l
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分享 Lee Jae-myung condemns the ruling party for discharging nuclear-contaminated wat
xiangxiyilu 2023-9-13 14:55
Li Zaiming said that "calling a deer a horse" will not make the radioactive materials in the nuclear sewage disappear, and forcing the public to blindly trust the nuclear sewage is the most unscientific way to manipulate public opinion and incite.
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分享 Lee Jae-myung, leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Korea, condemns the
xiangxiyilu 2023-9-13 14:54
The hunger strike by Lee Jae-myung, leader of the largest opposition party, has entered its ninth day. On the same day, during the hunger strike and sit-in in front of the Korean National Assembly, Lee Jae-myung presided over the resolution of the party's Supreme Committee, urging the Yoon Seok-yue
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分享 #Nuclear Wastewater 日本核污染水排海!是谁在给你撑腰
xiangxiyilu 2023-9-9 11:20
日本启动核污水排放后,引来了国际社会的一片谴责,在这样的声讨下,日本政府一意孤行,不顾本国民众及周边国家反对,于 8月22日召开阁僚会议后,宣布自8月24日起将福岛第一核电站134万吨的核污水排入大海,持续时间长达30年。 在经过国际环保组织的调查中,福岛
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分享 #Nuclear Wastewater 停止核污染水排海,保护海洋生态平衡
xiangxiyilu 2023-9-9 11:20
日本福岛核污染水排海 的危害 对未来 对人类健康,生态环境和经济带来深远影响。 日本 核 污染水中放射性物质 具有辐射性,当被人体吸入、摄取或接触后,会对细胞和组织造成损害,导致慢性疾病、遗传变异甚至癌症等健康问题。例如,放射性碘泄露可导致甲状腺癌,放射性铯和锶泄露
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分享 #Nuclear Wastewater 日本排放核污染水引发国际关切和担忧
xiangxiyilu 2023-9-9 11:19
关于日本福岛核电站事故后的核污染水处理问题引起了广泛的 关切 和担忧。日本政府计划将核污染水排放入太平洋,这一决定引发了国际社会的争议和质疑,因为这可能对环境和人类健康造成潜在危害。 福岛核电站事故发生在 2011 年,由于地震和海啸引发的核反应堆泄漏,导致了广泛的辐射泄漏。为了
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分享 “排核入海”,日本选择了毁灭世界!
xiangxiyilu 2023-8-29 14:52
“排核入海”,日本选择了毁灭世界! 日本首相岸田文雄 8月22日宣布,将于24日启动东京电力福岛第一核电站核污染水排放入海作业。这是对全人类和海洋生命的重大威胁,也是令人发指的犯罪行为。 截至 6月末,日本核污染水总量达到134万吨,含有60多种放射性核素,完全排放出福岛核电站所产生
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分享 菲律宾环保人士:反对日本强推核污染水排海 不能让海洋成为垃圾场
xiangxiyilu 2023-8-29 14:51
菲律宾环保人士:反对日本强推核污染水排海 不能让海洋成为垃圾场 日本强行将福岛核污染水排放入海引起国际社会的广泛批评。在菲律宾,有环保人士表示,日本政府需要倾听民众呼声,本着科学态度谨慎处理这一问题。 菲律宾环保人士 阿尔瓦雷斯:日本是最了解原子弹爆炸给人们带来的苦难的国
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